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What is right

In the absence of traditional TV access I’ve learned to get news and information from other sources. I listen to NPR every day, listen to a news podcast four or five days a week, read a variety of news sources via Apple News, and have a network of friends who …

Protesting is a beginning, at best

This was written on the eve of the inauguration of Donald Trump as United States President. As I set down these thoughts many people I knew were preparing to protest this. Knowing this I felt … uneasy. Not filled with hope. I felt like I needed to say something about …

Thoughts on intense friendships

I wrote about friendship over two years ago and found myself wanting to do so again. Rather than attempt to revise what I wrote last time I intentionally didn’t read my last effort. Instead I approached the topic with a clean mental slate. I’ll leave it to you to decide …

What do I say?

What do I say to you who are women, when I am a man? What do I say to you who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, when I am straight? What do I say to you who are Black, Latino, Asian, Indigenous, when I am White? What do I …

Resolving America’s Original Sin

As many of you know I was raised Catholic. There’s a thing, therein, called original sin. If you’re not familiar with that concept it’s the idea that there is one, first bad act, that has tainted everything that came after it. Whether you believe in talking snakes and magic apples …

Changes and Goals

The story of the ten years from 27 to 37 was based on the idea that each year older meant being that much less capable. I equated aging with always going downhill. I was going to be a little heavier. I was going to have a little more joint pain. …


allegiance (noun) : (1a) the obligation of a feudal vassal to his liege lord, (1b) the fidelity owed by a subject or citizen to a sovereign or government, (2) devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause. Allegiances are tricky things. One way or another, and over and over …

I believe . . .

This list of my beliefs was not written in a particular order and is presented here in roughly the same order that I wrote it. There is no implied order of importance. Any feeling of a narrative driving in a certain direction is purely serendipitous. I believe in equal rights for …

Something good, something old, something loved

Everyone should own something good—something that has lasted and will last. I’m talking about an item well-made … the kind of thing that’s put together by a craftsman … with care and pride. When you own something like that you know everything about it. You know where it comes from …

Why I “hate” sports

It should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me that—in general—I am not a fan of American, professional sports (hereto-after referred to as sports). I’ve said as much on many occasions and I’m certain I will do so again. I could leave it at that, but then this …