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I believe . . .

This list of my beliefs was not written in a particular order and is presented here in roughly the same order that I wrote it. There is no implied order of importance. Any feeling of a narrative driving in a certain direction is purely serendipitous. I believe in equal rights for …

Reforming Education

Primary Education Formal education would begin with first grade at the age of six. Any “schooling” prior to that would be purely voluntary and would not necessarily be focused on educating children. First and second grades (ages six to eight) would be focused on beginning and assessing children on all …

Good faith in politics

I’ve been thinking, lately, about politics, politicians, and acting in good faith to solve problems. As you might surmise—rightly, in this case—I’m not of the opinion that our current crop of politicians, by and large, are capable of acting in anything remotely resembling good faith. My reasoning runs along these …

Political porn

Oh, how I love these times that come along every four years—it’s Presidential election time, and the Republican primary is looking to be a lovely bit of political porn theatre. The sniping! The back-stabbing! The recriminations! The negativity! I love it!!! Never have I seen a more lovely circular firing …