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January 2012

New knowledge

For several weeks now, on my weekends, I’ve found myself watching a variety of car shows on the TV network named Velocity. More than any others, I’ve been watching the Mecum Auto Auction programs. I never was a car guy, at least not the way men of my father’s generation …

How we brand ourselves

This is a very interesting article, especially in light of a lot of what I saw while I was in Hong Kong. In the US, if someone is wearing a Polo branded shirt then the figure of the logo is apt to be an inch or so tall. In Hong …

Good faith in politics

I’ve been thinking, lately, about politics, politicians, and acting in good faith to solve problems. As you might surmise—rightly, in this case—I’m not of the opinion that our current crop of politicians, by and large, are capable of acting in anything remotely resembling good faith. My reasoning runs along these …

Political porn

Oh, how I love these times that come along every four years—it’s Presidential election time, and the Republican primary is looking to be a lovely bit of political porn theatre. The sniping! The back-stabbing! The recriminations! The negativity! I love it!!! Never have I seen a more lovely circular firing …

The dreaded mushroom

As I age, and am no longer the sloppy youth that once I was, I have become more conscious of how my clothes look. Stop laughing. I’m serious. To that end I put more thought into the clothes I buy, and even more specifically, into how my clothes fit. My …

My relationship with time

I’ve long known that I’m not a person who likes to be late. I’ve long known that I can be a bit neurotic about it, leaving quite a bit earlier than I need to, or fretting about my timing when I’m not actually late. Not only is this something that …

Title and description

I’ve used two quotations on this blog: one for the title (big text at the top) and one for the description (smaller text at the top). Without looking it up, and I’ll have no way of checking so you’re on the honor system, can anyone name the author responsible for …

New beginnings

It’s been a long time since I used my LiveJournal, Facebook is far from satisfactory, Twitter was too restrictive, and Google+ was a definite minus, so now I’m trying something new. WordPress. I give it a month.